Wholesome Living
Wholesome Living Podcast
When a deep wound catches up with you unexpectedly (Story time)

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When a deep wound catches up with you unexpectedly (Story time)

Secret Podcast Episode only for paid subscribers

Hola! In this episode…

  • A little life update (March 2022): I’m in a mystical place called Tepoztlan, Mexico making the most beautiful connections.

  • How our mind likes to schedule our ‘inner work’ and likes to control what we ‘work’ on based on what it deems important or necessary.

  • My mother wound that unexpectedly got triggered-my mind felt so upset that it didn’t agree to do this ‘deep level’ of healing while on ‘holiday’ and that this was not in the ‘inner work schedule’.

  • New Moon Ceremony with Ruthie Lindsey (join her substack Love’s Invitation!) and dancing as if I was my mother.

  • The audacious intention I set for my first ever mushroom ceremony.

This is a story time episode where I share a story (stream of consciousness style), usually about a personal experience and what’s coming up for me in my inner journey. The stories here, I hold sacred and dear to me, and I share in the hope that it might mirror a remembering within you and is a little wholesome addition to your own unfolding story. Thank you for being here, sweet soul. Lets dive in :)

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Wholesome Living
Wholesome Living Podcast
Stories of how life unfolds when you follow your inner voice and let joy guide your journey. Where childlike play meets the soul's wisdom, where there is room for big feelings and softness is invited... this is an exploration of what makes life wholesome. This podcast contains sacred stories that need to be invited into and are only available to those subscribed to Wholesome Living Substack.